Monday, 9 February 2009

All Stars V All Whites

Given the snowy conditions outside, if All Whites were hoping for a goal blizzard inside GL1 they found it coming at them in the shape of All Stars and an 18 goals to 2 defeat. Unfortunately this time around neither team were able to undertake the health activity as the health and parenting activities adjudicator was involved in a health activity of her own - assisting someone involved in an accident. However, there will be a chance to undertake the activity again - it's the Sexual Health Activity - at the teams next games; it will just mean having to undertake 2 activities on a matchday rather than one. Alternatively, you can download the activity from the sidebar, complete it and hand it in at your next match.

Whilst no health activities were completed, we're aware that All Whites have handed in completed dads activities downloaded from the blog sidebar. Points from these will be added to All Whites points tally as soon as we have them; a lesson for other teams to take note perhaps!

In terms of the table - positions remain as per the previous week, with All Stars points scored from football not being enough to catch up with All Whites.

Score: All Stars 18 All Whites 2

Week 4

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