Thursday, 24 July 2008

Keepie Uppie!

Finally...we get around to showing where teams are to date in the table - which has been updated to include all of the scores and health and parenting activities for weeks 7, 8 & 9. The scores from week 7 were mislaid hence the delay in tracking these down and making sure everything is in order!

Team Brown top the table - Old Guns are not too far behind. Liver Lads are 3rd; it just goes to show that if you complete your activity forms then you still have a chance of pushing up the table even if your footballing prowess suddenly fails you on a Saturday morning...Tactrix - where are your forms?!

The scores for each week - putting on the best BBC's announcer voice possible, are as follows:

Scores: 28th June

Tactrix 14 Team Brown 27

Old Guns 29 The Good The Dad and The Ugly 7

Scores: 12th July

Liver Lads 6 All Stars 26

Young Lads and Dads 20 Pro Team 14

Scores: 19th July

Tactrix 21 Liver Lads 19

Team Brown 12 Old Guns 18

Table Weeks 7, 8 , & 9

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