Friday 9 January 2009

KickStart Activities

Experience has taught us that most of the players involved in KickStart prefer to undertake - where possible - the health and parenting activities on matchdays. However, given that we allow for up to 7 players per team due to illness, holidays etc, not all players turn up and get a chance to do the activities, even if they want to. So...the activities will now be posted on the blog in the sidebar for people to download and complete if they so wish. You'll still need to hand them in on matchdays - and we'll check for names, forms being filled in more than once etc - no cheating or we'll dock points!

We'll add the activities slowly - remember that over the course of the league season there will not be enough time to do all 10 of the activities we have prepared, so if you download them from the blog you may have a chance to undertake more activities than just those undertaken on match days! Remember that it's not just about the football and physical fitness - it's also about other health and parenting issues - and that you can win the league by completing the activities; ie you don't have to be Johan Cruyff or Ronaldo...( but it might help!)

The KickStart Team

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